Here we will show you how to calculate 2 divided by 3/9. We will give you the answer in fraction form and in decimal form.
Here is 2 divided by 3/9 displayed mathematically in colors:
÷ | 9 |
The numbers in 2 divided by 3/9 are labeled below:
2 = whole number
3 = numerator
9 = denominator
To make it a fraction form answer, you multiply the whole number by the denominator and make the result the new numerator. The old numerator becomes the new denominator:
3 | = | 3 |
Thus, the answer to 2 divided by 3/9 in fraction form is:
3 |
To make the answer to 2 divided by 3/9 in decimal form, you simply divide the numerator by the denominator from the fraction answer above:
18 / 3 = 6
The answer is rounded to the nearest two decimal points if necessary.
18/3 can be simplified to 6/1.
6/1 is an improper fraction and should be written as 6.
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