Is 793 Divisible By 8?
Here we will use a Divisible by 8 rule to find out if 793 is divisible by 8.
Even Rule: If the hundreds digit in 793 is EVEN, and the last two digits in 793 are divisible by 8, then 793 is divisible by 8.
Odd Rule: If the hundreds digit in 793 is ODD, and the last two digits in 793 plus 4 is divisible by 8, then 793 is divisible by 8.
The hundreds digit in 793 is 7, which is odd, and the last two digits are 93.
Thus, we use the Odd Rule above:
93 + 4 = 97. 97 is not divisible by 8, therefore 793 is not divisible by 8.
The answer to "Is 793 Divisible By 8?" is no.
793 divided by 8 is 99.125.
Is 794 Divisible by 8?
Here is our next calculation. Try to figure out the answer before you check it.