Is 0 Divisible By 8?

Here we will use a Divisible by 8 rule to find out if 0 is divisible by 8.
Even Rule: If the hundreds digit in 0 is EVEN, and the last two digits in 0 are divisible by 8, then 0 is divisible by 8.
Odd Rule: If the hundreds digit in 0 is ODD, and the last two digits in 0 plus 4 is divisible by 8, then 0 is divisible by 8.
The hundreds digit in 0 is 0, which is even, and the last two digits are 00.
Thus, we use the Even Rule above:
00 is divisible by 8, therefore 0 is divisible by 8.
The answer to "Is 0 Divisible By 8?" is yes.
0 divided by 8 is 0.
Is 1 Divisible by 8?
Here is our next calculation. Try to figure out the answer before you check it.